Monday, February 23, 2009


So, now im on 2 week checkups at the Doctors office and still with the midwife. Im not sure yet which way im going to go. The medicaid picks up all the fees for Doctor/Hospital delivery, although I REALLY wanted to do a natural home birth. Just talked to the Midwife at the Dr office and she said I can have a perfectly naturaly, drug free, comfortable birth at the hospital birthing center and then have the security of knowing if anything goes wrong I am right there....its so confusing and we are still not sure how to go about this but praying God leads in the coming weeks.

Going to start taking a birthing class if we can find one cheap enough around here! ive heard its about $300 for a 12 week class!!! (and i only have 12 1/2 weeks left) So, not too sure about that. We are trying to find something that is cheap and will be able to take me right now since its about that time!!

Sophia is moving ALOT these days...i love to just sit and watch my belly ripple and move when she kicks and moves around. She is quite the gymnist...i have a hard time telling what im feeling..butt, hands, feet, head...its all so tiny!!! :) She HATES heart monitors and today at the midwife refused to sit still while she was trying to get a matter who does it she moves around and kicks like crazy:) its so cute...