Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I just have to say she is kicking way more now..seems like overnight she is kicking about 20 times in a row almost every 3 hours! thats really good from what I read. During Church on Sunday she kicked the entire way through the last song we was a very moving, loud praise and worship song so either she likes singing or it was just loud...haha:)

Finally have an appointment to go see a OB/GYN in February since I got the medicaid and also found out today I can go to the Chiropractor!!! amazing news...that will be so nice.

Every day seems to get me more and more excited about meeting her and having my girl with me "outside" the womb to cuddle and kiss:)

Tata for now!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sophia May

We had a second ultrasound yesterday at 23 weeks:) ITS A GIRL!!! We've decided on the name Sophia May. Her due date is stil May 24th...and mommy is hoping this is a late date...:)

Sophia kicks and moves around ALOT! The ultrasound tech kept having to reposition me and move around to get a good look at her. She kicks pretty hard sometimes for such a little thing and like to kick my full bladder too:) The picture shows her doing the "live long and prosper" gesture from StarTrek. :) it was so cute!

We are moving at the end of February probably near Gettysburg. We will then start setting up the second bedroom in whatever apartment we get for Sophia. I can see loooooooots of pink going in there now that we know what she is!! (rick "oh no") :P

Please keep us in your prayers that Rick can find a good job with insurance, otherwise we will need to stay on unemployment so we can have medicaid to cover Sophia and I.
